Find Your Calm in the Chaos


Hypnotherapy at My Healing Oasis

Depression & Anxiety

Embark on a journey into inner peace and emotional balance with a personalized experience designed to ease the burden of anxiety and depression.


Dial Down
Triggers & Phobia

Discover the power of calm as we safely process and soothe the sources of emotional distress. Foster resilience as we resolve the lingering effects of trauma.

Cultivate Mindfulness & Confidence

Nurture a state of mindful presence and self-assurance with techniques designed to enhance your mental clarity and self-esteem in everyday life.

Discover Immediate Relaxation
with Hypno-Massage!

Hypno-Massage guides you out of stress and into a calm and relaxed state.
As you relax, you’ll discover a deep sense of calm and relief that allows you to better release the tension and worries that have been weighing you down.
Our skilled providers will give you a natural reset that clears your mind, and calms your body, allowing you to function better.

Anya is Here to Help

I believe in the power and resilience of the human spirit.  No matter who you are or where you come from, I commend you for seeking help. I would love to support you! 
You don’t have to go it alone!

With over 25 years in practice, Anya Mayer has helped thousands of clients make positive behavioral changes and heal from unresolved trauma, whether from childhood or more recent, impactful events.

Anya’s passion to facilitate healing started in her adolescence, when she discovered the powerful effect compassionate listening and a kind touch has on boosting a person’s sense of well-being and happiness.

Anya’s training in Hypnotherapy, NLP Coaching, Massage/Bodywork, Reiki, and Aromatherapy allow her to simultaneously work with mind, body, and spirit for uncommon synergy in healing.

Success Stories

“I had an incredibly positive experience with Anya.

I was able to have several breakthroughs in a matter of just a few sessions. Anya always made me feel at ease and at peace.

I found myself genuinely looking forward to each session, and felt energized and lighter after.

I highly recommend working with her.”


“I sought out Anya’s help to try and alleviate some anxiety issues I was dealing with in my workplace.

She immediately put me at ease and over the next several sessions taught me some invaluable tools to deal with my issue.

I am going to continue to seek Anya out in the future when I need some calmness amongst the chaos.”


Working with Anya has had a profound effect on reducing my anxiety and stress response.

As someone who has used several other therapies and practices there is something in Anya’s work that just “clicks”!

Anya is a compassionate, knowledgeable and intuitive healer, and I am very grateful to have found My Healing Oasis”


Anya Mayer, CHT
2325 E Burnside, Suite 202, Portland, OR 97214